We lost our 5 year old, yellow lab, Rosie this past month. She had a sudden illness that caused her demise. We were surprised but not totally shocked, as she had a serious heart defect and was not expected to have a long life. We miss her though. 

We have been reflecting on her qualities that we have come to love. Rosie was cheerful and friendly, as are most labs. She was not a good watch dog as she rarely barked and always affectionately greeted anyone who came to the door. Rosie didn’t beg for food and waited patiently at the door until we noticed she wanted to come inside. She was extremely present and pleasant and never seemed to be in a bad mood.

As I reflect on Rosie, and the other animals with which we are fortunate to be in relationship, I am struck by how uncomplicated these relationships are. Animals operate primarily from their hearts. They are good judges of character, if they decide they can trust you then their love is forthcoming. They don’t analyze the details of interactions or obsess over the meaning of curious behaviors. They trust their instincts, offer love, and expect the best from us. 

So as my husband, Robin, and I have been missing and remembering Rosie, it occurred to us that we might try to be more like her in our relationship. Present, patient, affectionate, playful, and always happy to see each other when we returned home. So that is what we are trying to do. Clearly our relationship will have grown even more loving if we manage to emulate Rosie’s fine qualities. Thank you, Rosie.